Violence, Propaganda

03-January-2024 Wednesday
When will this end?

04-December-2023 Monday
Gays on Peekaboo are stronger than the community

05-November-2023 Sunday
"Starship Troopers": How a Hollywood blockbuster exposes militarism and propaganda

23-October-2023 Monday
Why can't girls not support feminism?

13-July-2023 Thursday
Justifies killing a man

03-November-2021 Wednesday
The answer to the post "Was Vasya beaten?"

09-July-2020 Thursday
Study Finds Movie Superheroes Are More Dangerous Than Villains

06-May-2016 Friday
New clip of Leningrad as propaganda of everything bad and Shnur's answer

24-January-2016 Sunday
Continuation of the story of a 13 year old girl
